Coconut Caramel Protein Slice

Coconut Caramel Protein Slice

At Health Australia Coconut Caramel Protein Slice

The lovely Eloise :: @fitnhealthyliving :: has whipped together some ridiculously yummy protein treats for us which we will share over the coming weeks - we hope you enjoy!!

B a s e   I n g r e d i e n t s

-          1 cup of desiccated coconut (unsweetened)

-          ¼ of a cup of almond meal

-          ¼ of a cup of coconut flour

-          ¼ of a cup of At Health Australia Naturally Vanilla Protein

-          ¼ of a cup of melted coconut oil

-          2 T of rice malt syrup

-          1-2 T of water

G o o e y   C a r a m e l   L a y e r

-          ¼ of a cup of tahini

-          ¼ of a cup of maple syrup

-          ¼ of a cup of melted coconut oil

-          1 Tof lucuma powder

-          pinch of salt

h o w   t o   m a k e

  1. Line a square or rectangle baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Combine the base ingredients by placing in a food processor and blend.
  3. Place the base ingredients in the tray and firmly press down the mixture. Place the tray in the freezer while you work on your caramel layer.
  4. Now the best bit, the caramel layer! Place all ingredients in your food processor and blend.
  5. Pour the caramel mixture into the tray and even out the mixture (a spatula is best for this part to even out the gooey caramel).
  6. Sprinkle with some Coconut Flakes (or Cacao Nibs for some Cacao Crunch)
  7. Freeze overnight or for least 4 hours.
  8. Slice and Enjoy!
  9. Store in a airtight container in the fridge.

Tip: when cutting your slices use a warm, sharp knife to ensure your slices cut clean.