Creamy Cashew & Vanilla Protein Balls

March 04, 2021 2 min read

Creamy Cashew & Vanilla Protein Balls

 At Health Australia Natural Vanilla Protein Bliss Balls

These creamy At Health Australia Natural Vanilla Protein Bliss Balls combine delicious Cashews & Vanilla Protein Powder making them the best tasting natural protein snack making them the best healthy protein treat for the fridge or freezer.

I love how the creamy cashews combine with our At Health Natural Vanilla protein giving the perfect balance of flavour plus they're low sugar, gluten free, healthy fats and the subtle creaminess of the vanilla protein make this a satisfying healthy snack 😊

At Health Vegan Vanilla Protein Australia Recipe. Delicious Vanilla Protein with Superfoods to create the best tasting vegan protein bliss balls 

I N G R E D I E N T S 

1.5 Cups of cashews (soaked in water for approx. 30 min)

2 Tbsp Coconut Oil

5 Tbsp At Health Australia Vanilla Protein

2 Tbsp Coconut Nectar or Rice Malt Syrup (optional)

1 Tbsp Hemp Seeds

1 Tbsp Almond Butter (or Peanut Butter works if you don’t have any)



Blend the cashew in food processor for 2 minutes, they contain natural fats and oils which will release and contribute to the binding of ingredients.

Add all other ingredients including the At Health Australia Natural Vanilla Protein and process for another 2 mins.

Roll into balls, it will look dry but it should stick once pressed and molded 😊

Store balls on baking paper inside a air tight container and store in the fridge or freeze.

At Health Australia Vegan Vanilla Protein Australia delicious Vegan Bliss Ball Recipe.


What are the benefits of At Health Australia Natural Protein Powder and using our Natural Protein is your healthy baking treats?

Firstly, with all natural protein these natural protein bliss balls are low sugar, not processed and when reaching for a sweet treat, it's ideal to have one that's not highly processed and loaded with sugar. 

The Vegan Protein is high protein keeping you feeling satisfied and fuller for longer, plus our high protein vegan helps curb cravings. 

The Healthy Fats also keep you feeling satisfied and combined with our high protein vegan blend helps kick cravings making these the perfect vegan treat to keep in the fridge.

The best bit, these Vegan Vanilla Bliss Balls are low sugar with nothing processed making these the ultimate vegan bliss balls treat.